Contact Us

Please contact us if you have a website related question. If you have a question about additional resources, archives, the Federation or Foundation please refer to the information in the sidebar to the right. We will respond to all inquiries as soon as we are able. Thank you for visiting The Max M. Fisher Archives Site.

Additional Contacts & Resources

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit »

As the major instrument of Jewish philanthropy and engagement in the Detroit area, we are a community-driven organization committed to taking care of the needs of the Jewish People and building a vibrant Jewish future, in Metropolitan Detroit, in Israel and around the world.

Max M. Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation »

The Foundation acts from a philosophy grounded in the beliefs of our founders and our shared Jewish values that life’s purpose is found in service to others, in creating opportunities for those who lack them, empowering individuals in self sufficiency, providing life-saving resources for those without them, and supporting human community in all its forms from families to coalitions, cities to nations.

Walter P. Reuther Library »

The collections housed in the Reuther Library at Wayne State, downtown Detroit, are open to anyone engaged in their research. Persons planning a visit to the archives are advised to write, telephone, or e-mail the Reference Archivist at in advance.